Dauntless Communications


Dauntless partners with MADD Founder to help prevent dangerous driving

Mothers Against Drunk Driving Founder Candace Lightner is perhaps our era’s most successful example of turning tragedy to triumph.

Following her daughter’s tragic death in a crash caused by a drunk driver, Candace built a national grassroots movement that changed not only public policy but also social norms.

Dauntless is excited to be offering our support to Candace’s most recent project, We Save Lives, an organization dedicated to combating drunk driving, as well as the rapidly growing problem of distracted driving and drugged driving.

Our involvement as a We Save Lives sponsor includes creating social media graphics, online videos, and assisting with the organization’s website.

“Working with Candace and We Save Lives has been a great experience because I’m able to use my background in editing and writing to help my fellow millennials understand the real consequences of texting and driving,” Dauntless Editorial and Communications Analyst Toby Qualls said. “Distracted driving deaths are entirely preventable, and by partnering with We Save Lives, we can do something about it.”

Texting while driving increases one’s risk of a crash by a whopping 23 times according to a study by the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute. With cell phones now ubiquitous, 9 people are killed every day due to distracted driving and another 1,153 are injured, many seriously.

The good news is we don’t have to accept the situation as it currently stands.

As Candace Lightner once said, “Someone once said to me, ‘if you don’t like the law little lady, change it.’ So I did and you can too.”

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